Serving Whitman County since 1877

Low bid for Wilma project

Four contractor bids for construction of the Hinrich’s Trading Company’s Port of Wilma building came in higher than expected, port manager Joe Poire reported to port commissioners last Thursday, Oct. 10.

The low bid was $1,063,497 and the high bid $1,398,900.

The engineer’s estimate for the building cost was between $550,000 and $650,000.

In July, port commissioners and Hinrichs signed a 20-year site lease for Hinrichs to locate a warehouse at the Port of Wilma.

Hinrichs will use the 18,000-square-foot building to store, process and ship garbanzo beans.

Poire said the port and Hinrichs are discussing calling for a second round of bids after changing the design specifications to reduce expected costs.

The July agreement calls for the port to pay for the building’s construction with Hinrichs leasing the structure along with the site. It included an eventual lease option for Hinrichs to purchase the building.

Another alternative discussed last week was for Hinrichs to pay initial costs for the structure.

In other business, Poire reported the port is still negotiating with the prospective concessionaires to take over operation at Boyer Park and Marina.

He said he has met with the applicants and went over a small works roster, including electrical improvements estimated to cost the port about $30,000.

Current concessionaire Dave Peterson announced his retirement last summer after 16 years at Boyer. He plans to depart at the end of the year.

Poire reported prospective concessionaires are discussing a possible purchase of the motel units and licenses they must have as part of the business.

Also commissioners discussed how to deal with information requests from the public. Two commissioners attended the Pullman League of Women Voters forum Sept. 25 at the McGregor’s office.


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