Serving Whitman County since 1877

Hospital highlights

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a serious disease and a serious concern for residents of our hospital district – our rate is 8.2 percent versus the statewide average of 7.1 percent. Our rate of obesity is also higher than average (30.5 percent versus 25.6 percent) and we do not get sufficient exercise. Lack of physical activity contributes to obesity, diabetes and their complications.

If it isn’t managed, diabetes can damage many parts of the body, leading to heart attacks, strokes, amputation, blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage. But there is good news: diabetes complications can be prevented or delayed by properly managing blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Eating healthy, being physically active and quitting smoking also can help lower the risk of diabetes complications. In addition, if you have diabetes it is important to work closely with your medical provider to monitor your health.

Whitman Hospital and Medical Center partners with Gritman Hospital to offer diabetes resources in our community including monthly diabetes education classes. For more information or to register call Gritman Diabetes at 208-883-6341. More information on how to prevent and manage diabetes can be found at .

Debbie Glass, CEO

Whitman Hospital & Medical Center


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