Serving Whitman County since 1877

February 11 vote: Twelve school districts to seek funds on ballot

County, library and Pullman


district seek

to raise tax lid

Gazette Reporter

Ballots for the Feb. 11 election will be mailed out Jan. 24.

The ballots will include a county-wide proposition that increases property taxes by 22 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, along with a dozen school district propositions, a property tax levy rate for the Pullman hospital district and a library levy rate.

County commissioners are asking voters to raise property taxes starting in 2015 to ease budget .

Whitman County commissioners in December decided to ask voters to raise property tax rates beginning in 2015 to ease budget shortfalls.

Voters will decide whether or not to increase property taxes from $1.38 to $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed value starting in 2015. The state limit for county general fund levy is $1.80.

The added tax would raise more than $750,000 in 2015.

Under the state’s one percent limit on revenue increases the county’s actual levy has dropped to $1.38 per $1,000 as a result of higher property tax valuations.

If the proposition is not approved, more budget cuts are on the horizon which could mean employee layoffs and cutbacks on hours of operation.

LaCrosse, Clarkston, Tekoa, Pullman, Colfax, Steptoe, Colton, Endicott, Rosalia, St. John, Oakesdale school districts are asking voters’ approval for replacement maintenance and operation levies.

In addition to the M&O levies, Oakesdale School District is requesting voters to approve $7.1 million in financing for school renovation. According to the proposition, the district would remove asbestos, upgrade the heating and cooling system and the mechanical and electrical systems. The funds also would be used for improving energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and safety and technology systems. (See story on next page.)

The town of Rosalia seeks a special tax levy of 62 cents per $1,000 of assessed value to be collected in 2015 for city street lights, seal coating, shoulder work, capital improvements, equipment and regular maintenance of city streets.

Public Hospital District No. 1A in Pullman wants a property tax levy rate established that would raise 37 cents per $1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2015 to provide funding for the district’s health care facilities and services.

Whitman County Rural Library District is asking voters to approve a property tax hike of 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2015.


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