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Palouse Knowledge Corridor showcases businesses

The Palouse Knowledge Corridor held its spring Business Showcase in Pullman March 31.

Held at BellTower Events Venue in Pullman, representatives from seven businesses presented their efforts to gathered members of the public and potential investors.

Each presenter showcased their business in a 15-minute format. Afterward, a social hour was held.

“It was a great success,” said Nathan Weller, Pullman city councilman and member of the Palouse Knowledge Corridor. “We were impressed.”

Presentations were made on behalf of Phytelligence, the Omache Farm, SandyClocks, Unifine Flour, NuSpirits, Vertical Garden Sustainability Center and Gentle Earth Acupuncture.

Phytelligence is a plant/agriculture spinoff from WSU to help the agriculture industry obtain ready-to-plant and guaranteed true to type plant material.

The Omache Farm representatives told of a family farm striving to follow organic principles and methods to market their products in the local economy, while NuSpirits gave a presentation on their nutrient-enriched alcohol.

SandyClocks provides task-driven labor scheduling and monitoring solutions with a patent-pending, cloud-based labor monitoring and labor data analysis. Unifine whole grain flour comes from a milling system redesigned at WSU.

Finally, the Vertical Garden Sustainability Center is a social entrepreneurship investing in local food security, growing organic vegetables, herbs and fish in a closed biological nutrient cycle.

The Palouse Knowledge Corridor is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to match innovation with opportunity, promote assets of the Palouse and foster collaborative efforts with universities, private sector, economic development agencies and governments.

“We do this to highlight local entreprenuerial heroes,” Weller said.

The Corridor plans to hold another business showcase in the fall.


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