Serving Whitman County since 1877

Pastor's Corner

In a small town called Enterprise, Alabama, there is a monument, which was erected in 1919, of a woman who is holding a large boll weevil above her head! Now, why would they have such a thing?

Well, the story is that a group of farmers were raising cotton when the boll weevil destroyed their crops. But farmers, being the resourceful people they are <Amen>, decided, “Well, we can’t plant cotton, so let’s plant peanuts.” Amazingly, those peanuts brought them more money than raising cotton. When the farmers realized that what had seemed like a disaster had actually proved to be a blessing, they erected the statue.

In life we often face trouble and trials. Some people say, “I just don’t understand why I’m going through these trials. Why is God allowing these things to happen?” Their expectation is that following the Lord is supposed to exempt us from all trials. But, the Bible says this: “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 1:7).

I. The Reality of Trials

Notice the word “trial” (I Peter 1:7a). There will be trials in our life. The Bible makes it clear that godly people often suffer intense trials. Job was a righteous man, but he suffered much! David was a man after God’s own heart, and yet he spent several years running for his life from King Saul. Daniel was a faithful, godly prophet, yet he got thrown into the lions’ den. And there are many other examples of godly people who suffered terribly.

Just read about the life of the Lord Jesus Himself. He was the sinless Son of God. Yet look at how He suffered! Notice how the great “Hall of Faith” chapter ends with people who suffered and yet had faith in God (read Hebrews 11:32-40).

II. The Reason for Trials

Notice the Bible says that trials are much more precious than gold (I Peter 1:7b).

Why compare our faith to gold? Because, just like gold is tested, so our faith is tested too.

Corrie Ten Boom said that:

“The school of life offers some difficult courses, but it is in the difficult class that one learns the most—especially when your teacher is the Lord Jesus Christ.”

God has a reason for everything that He does. As the song goes:

For My Good and For His Glory

It is for my good and for His glory

This trial is not the end of the story.

There is a bigger picture that God can only see.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

III. The Reward After the Trials

Notice the reward from the trials is that our faith might result “in praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 1:7c).

It Will Be Worth It All

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,

Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ;

One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,

So bravely run the race till we see Christ.

One day all the suffering that we face in this life will be gone and we will be with the Lord forever. Affliction may be lasting, but it is not everlasting. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment” (2 Corinthians 4:17a).

A man by the name of Ron Hamilton, who has a Children’s Church program called “Patch the Pirate,” was diagnosed with cancer of the eye several years ago. His left eye had to be removed but he testifies that this was one of the greatest blessings of his life. Out of this seeming tragedy came the idea of this Children’s program. Shortly after his operation he wrote a song:

Rejoice in the Lord

God never moves without purpose or plan

When trying His servant and molding a man.

Give thanks to the LORD though your testing seems long;

In darkness He giveth a song.

I could not see through the shadows ahead;

So I looked at the cross of my Savior instead.

I bowed to the will of the Master that day;

Then peace came and tears fled away.

Now I can see testing comes from above;

God strengthens His children and purges in love.

My Father knows best, and I trust in His care;

Through purging more fruit I will bear.

O Rejoice in the LORD

He makes no mistake,

He knoweth the end of each path that I take,

For when I am tried

And purified,

I shall come forth as gold.

Pastor Tim Wall

Macedonia Baptist Church,



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