Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good old days

125 years ago

The Commoner

May 24, 1889

The new uniform of Chief of Police Mackey was the most attractive thing on the street Tuesday evening and made him the recipient of many "guys" from those who knew his good nature. A youthful bootblack thought the uniform very "slick," but couldn't catch on to the utility of "them brass buttons to bind." Policeman Young will be strutting proudly around in a similar outfit in a day or two, and will be as fine looking a man as is his superior.

Mr. Horatio Smith and Miss Anna Selfridge were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents in Oakesdale on Tuesday, the 21st. Both have many friends in the county and elsewhere who will wish them a pleasant journey through life, strewn with happiness and prosperity. They will make their home in Seattle. Mr. Smith was a former resident of near Almota. He is now filling a position as engineer on the Seattle & Lake Shore railroad.

100 years ago

The Colfax Commoner

May 22, 1914

It is estimated by statisticians of the city council that approximately one half of the dog population of Colfax belong to the "stray" class, dogs without known or acknowledged owners, and these canines, it has developed, are a stumbling block in the crusade being waged to make more room in Colfax for people by reducing the number of dogs.

Several bands of sheep aggregating nearly 10,000 in number, have passed through the city during the week, en route to the summer ranges in the Idaho forest reserve.

The Colfax Commercial Club, the Boosters Club and Mayor Neil are arranging for a big basket picnic to be held at Potlatch, Idaho. The object of the picnic is to give the citizens of the county an opportunity to inspect the site of the proposed Palouse irrigation project.

75 years ago

Colfax Gazette Commoner

May 26, 1939

Work will start about June 1 on remodernizing the front of the Rose Theatre building by F.C. and LaVance Weskil. The present marquee will be replaced, the reader board with its old-style lettering giving way to one with solid silhouette lettering on frosted glass, indirectly lighted with fluorescent zeon tubes. Zeon tubing will also take the place of the present overhead lights under the marquee. The entire stucco front of the building above the marquee will be repainted. The cost of the improvement will be approximately $1,500.

Closed seven school days on account of an epidemic of red measles, the Hamilton and Martha Washington grade schools reopened Monday with 71 reported absent. The number had increased to 78 Thursday morning. At the Hamilton school a falling off of 51 to 48 was recorded, but at the Martha Washington school the gain was from 20 to 30, although two of the absentees were known not to have measles. Because of the measles, the Onecho, Star and Lamont schools were closed for the remainder of the school year.

50 years ago

Colfax Gazette

May 21, 1964

Approximately 15 Arabian horse owners from the Whitman County area will be among the 100 exhibitors competing for $750 in prize money at the first Pacific Northwest Shriners All Arabian Horse Show at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds, Mrs. Robert Matilla, show secretary, reported today.

Glorfield Bros., Jack and Ben, St. John, have been named Cattlemen of the Year and will be honored at the annual Cattleman's field day, County Agent Clint Luce reported.

25 years ago

Colfax Gazette

May 25, 1989

Hollywood hit Mockonema and Onecho last week with a parade of trucks, vans and camera equipment rain and wind machines and the script for a Clorox commercial. The crew left the locals some unusual memories, some hanging plants and an admiration for the work and money that goes into a commercial.

The Washington State Grange centennial program in Colfax last entertained a large crowd with music of the early years, a style show and a dance production. Lola Humphrey, Southeast District Lecturer of the Washington State Grange, reported that the grange program was a success and drew a large number of people from the area. Tom Wysong of Pullman and Donna Swannack of Endicott both performed musical numbers. "Style Through the Years" featured fashions modeled by Paula Sloat, Cathy Blankenship, Louise Kinch and Byron Allen, all of Washtucna, Gussie Menning of Steptoe and Olga and Les Maley of Thornton. Bessie Allen of Washtucna was the narrator.

10 years ago

Whitman County Gazette

May 20, 2004

A Friday fire in the Ewartsville neighborhood destroyed a 3,250 square foot addition to the home of Whitman County District Court Judge Doug Robinson. Rural District 12 firefighters responded to a neighbor's report and arrived at Kelmgard Road to see the back of the roof in flames. Chief Lester Erwin called for assistance on arrival and fire vehicles from Pullman, Albion, Washington State University, Colton-Uniontown and Colfax crowded the two-lane road and the long gravel driveway leading to the country home.

Ninth District legislators were notified about pending closures of driver licensing offices in Colfax and Ritzville. Mike Louisell, DOL spokesperson, told the Gazette Wednesday present plans call for final day of service at Colfax for June 16 and the last day at Ritzville for June 14.


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