Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gordon Forgey

The Veterans Administration is under fire.

Reportedly, records have been hidden or falsified to give the impression that all veterans are receiving timely care. In fact, some vets have died waiting for treatment.

With mid-term elections coming up, this scandal at the VA is getting a lot of attention. It is the perfect political foil. Hopeful politicians can go on record supporting the country’s veterans while not fixing or changing anything. Even without a scandal, veterans are great fodder at election time.

Vets get a lot of talk, only to find that nothing concrete comes out of it all.

Over the years, the VA has been criticized for its quality of care.

This scandal is different.

This new scandal may have started with poor management or lack of funding, but the crux of the scandal is falsification and coverup.

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to show support, but showing support is a lot different than actually giving something concrete and lasting.

The fix really is quite simple: Provide veterans good, honest, effective health care.

It is what they were promised.

When politicians talk about helping veterans, ask them exactly what concrete things they have done. Ask them in letters and in telephone calls. Tweet them.

It is a concrete way of extending Memorial Day.

Gordon Forgey,



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