Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gordon Forgey

It has been a long time since Americans have been asked to do much more for their country than pay taxes.

It is time for America to ask for more from its citizens.

The perfect way would be to establish universal national service.

Everyone upon reaching a certain age or education level would give time to their country and their fellow citizens.

It would be like the draft, but not limited to military service.

Depending on their abilities, needs and desires, young citizens could assist others and the country in a variety of ways.

They could serve in schools, hospitals and poor rural areas, the military and a variety of government work.

They could help in environmental cleanups and disaster assistance. They could build homes for the homeless or help to build hope for the aged. They could shore up National Guard units or forest fire crews. They could assist in airport security or maintenance at government offices.

This service could lead to new career paths or additional study for the participants. It would give purpose and provide real world experience while helping the country.

The participants would be investing in America. The experience could have a lasting impact on how they view the country and their role in it.

It might even generate pride of ownership in the country.

As a result of their service, participants might take a serious, vested interest in the country, rather than as many do, feeling like victims.

After some years, the entire political landscape and citizen involvement could change. We could get to a participatory democracy, where citizens with different views and different ideas work together for a common good.

Gordon Forgey



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