Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gordon Forgey

Ferguson, Missouri, has been torn apart by violence and rioting. Civil disorder has disrupted the city since since August 9.

The protests stem from the shooting of an unarmed teenager by police.

The victim, shot six times, was African-American. The policeman is white.

The shooting is serious enough in itself, but the local police blundered after the shooting, withholding information and trying to discredit the victim.

Crowds took to the streets. Protests grew, and the local force could not control the situation. Riots, looting and shootings occurred.

The state police was called in. Then, the national guard was called up to help control the crowds. The governor and the federal government are also involved.

The scenes on the street are reminiscent of the 1960’s when American cities convulsed with violence and riots.

Also, as in the 60’s, the rage of the protesters and rioters come from more than one event. Reportedly, it has been simmering for years. The shooting was the spark that ignited the fire.

Most protesters are calling for justice, but that call goes beyond this particular case. They are also calling for racial, educational and economic justice.

Whether the shooting was justified or not, mistrust, frustration and fear are rampaging through the streets of Ferguson and are stalking the rest of the nation.

There are solutions and answers. We learned some of them 50 years ago. Now, it is time to finish the lesson.

Gordon Forgey



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