Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Old Days

125 years ago

The Commoner

Nov. 8, 1889

There is no reason why the improvements in Colfax for the year 1890 should not be double in the aggregate those of any preceding year.

It is a fact that is quite apparent to all who are familiar with the resources of Whitman County, and especially those of this part of the county, that the city is behind the country in progress.

This fact, coupled with the elements of prosperity in Colfax and the spirit of enterprise possessed by citizens, points to a progress greater than has ever been shown here before.

With the thousands of dollars worth of new buildings that have been deferred until next year, for a starter, the amount in dollars and cents, as well as the number of buildings, will be more than double those of the present year.

A small building on Main Street, near the residence of Chief of Police Mackay, was burned last Thursday night at about 12 o'clock. It was owned by a courtesan named Nellie Fuller, and up to the day preceding the fire, it had been occupied by Blanche Sherman, another member of the demi-monde. The origin of the fire is not known but strong suspicious point towards incendiarism.

100 years ago

The Colfax Commoner

Nov. 6, 1914

At the Bungalow, Friday night only, "The White Ghost of Disaster" will be presented. In three reels, or 3,000 feet of moving pictures, the harrowing scenes attending the sinking of the Titanic are reproduced. This is a feature described as something extra good.

At Portland top prices of several seasons were paid at the Merchants' exchange when 6,000 bushels of blue stem sold at $1.16; 10,000 bushels of club at $1.18; and 5,000 bushels of red Russian at $1.06. The demand was unexpectedly strong and bids shot up at a rapid rate.

75 years ago

Colfax Gazette Commoner

Nov. 3, 1939

Meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, young business women of Colfax are filling a Red Cross order for layettes for European war refugee babies, particularly Polish, according to Mrs. R.W. Leisher, county production committee chairman. An order for 30 adult sweaters must be filled by volunteer workers in the county by January 1, also 10 adult dresses. Three sweater have already been knit and Colfax women will be responsible for six of the dresses, Mrs. Leisher said. Women of the Steptoe community are to make 20 dresses for refugee children. The project is being carried on here in the workroom of the Baptist church.

Construction of a modern distribution plant, including a large warehouse, office rooms and open storage platform, was started last week by Associated Oil Company on its property adjacent to the Great Northern tracks west of the twin bridges.

50 years ago

Colfax Gazette

Nov. 5, 1964

Mrs. Ida May Taft, 102-year-old Colfax woman, is pictured lighting a candle on her birthday cake for her birthday party at Palouse Rest Haven. She enjoyed a piece of cake and opened several gifts from friends.

More than 800 people were fed at a hospital benefit dinner given last Sunday by the Endicott-Winona community and receipts totaled nearly $1,200, most of which will be turned over to the Whitman County Hospital benefit fund in the near future. The event was by far the most successful benefit yet staged for the hospital fund and attracted Sunday diners from every part of the county.

Kenneth Cox has joined the staff of Hamilton Drug Store in Colfax as a pharmacist, working with his father, Leo, owner of the store for a number of years. Ken and Mrs. Cox and their daughter, Aileen, have moved into the Helsley duplex. They came here from Kennewick, where he has been employed since graduating from Washington State University in 1963 with a degree in pharmacy.

25 years ago

Colfax Gazette

Nov. 9, 1989

County and state crews are gearing up for another winter of snow removal on routes throughout Whitman County. Russ Shorten of the state highway department predicts that it won't be long until the plows see action. He says the snow may start falling before the week ends. Lon Petersen, public works director for the county, is also getting ready for the onslaught. He suggested the schools in the county establish emergency bus routes and an emergency schedule before the snow hits. Pedersen is also asking county residents to equip their cars with snow chains and instructions on how to use them.

Colfax netters Saturday ran three tourney wins at Newport to bag the top NE spot in the state playoffs at River View. Colfax rolls south to state as the defending champions.

10 years ago

Whitman County Gazette

Nov. 4, 2004

Students at LaCrosse are getting a jump start on their holiday gift wrapping. These are not ordinary presents, though. These gifts are bound for the Middle East where the students hope the contents will make American military personnel just a little more comfortable while they are away from home over the holidays. Students have been collecting the items for the care packages since mid-October and will continue through the end of November.


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