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Eighth grader Sarita Matuszek-Devaney and seventh grader Lexi Brantner led the first quarter honor roll at Garfield/Palouse Middle school with all-A grades. Other high honors students with grade average of 3.5 or higher included Tanner Anderson, Keely Bumes, Abi Cochrane and Emily Perkins, eighth grade; Isaac Bailey, Brooke Bankus, Dawson Dugger, Joey Link, Lauryn Rawls, Jordan Travis and Lauren Welch, seventh grade; Jacob Anderson, Christian Burt, Ethan Cook, Danny Laughary, Olivia Knauff, Patrick Orfe and Taylor Zehm, sixth grade.
Honors students with grade averages of 3.0 to 3.49 included Desi Brown, Aspen Greenwalt, Ely Hawkins, Ainslee Marcus, Kris Murphy, Eddie O'Neill and Austin Stockert, eighth grade; Mikayla Evans, Justice Keller, Lizzy Stout, Tristan West, Ty West, Jocelyn Whitesell, seventh grade, and Paige Collier, Jacob Maurin, and Miranda Richards, sixth grade.
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