Serving Whitman County since 1877

Bulletin Column

These reports are from the previous four issues of the Daily Bulletin in Colfax. They are reprinted here for the benefit of Gazette readers who reside outside of Colfax. Some accounts have been updated.



Charges of possession of child pornography were filed Nov. 20 against two Whitman County suspects who have been summoned to appear in court Dec. 12. The charges related to a 2012 investigation conducted by Homeland Security Agents based in Spokane. The investigation reports in both cases allege the suspects were identified by an agent who participated in an internet Peer to Peer file sharing of alleged child pornography videos.

Charges of possession of depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct were filed against William Wyatt Feeney, 31, Endicott, and Andre Samuel DeJesus, 26, Pullman.

Reports filed with the two cases said agents served search warrants on the residences of the suspects in early 2012 to seize computers believed to contain the materials.

The federal agents opted to charge the suspects in state court, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dan La Beau explained.


Plastic traffic marker posts were installed Monday along the northbound lane of Highway 195 as it turns the corner onto Main Street. The traffic markers were part of a Department of Transportation project to improve safety at the intersection of South Main and Thorn streets which is located just north of the entry curve.

Monday’s installation followed a painting of a solid approach line to the curve which funnels northbound traffic into a single lane as it rounds the corner before the Thorn Street intersection.

One of the hazards at the intersection was the tendency of some motorists to move into the right turn lane for Thorn Street but continue north across the intersection.

The solid line along the outside lane continues northbound past the intersection to allow motorists from Thorn Street an open lane to turn right.

Signs directing pedestrians to use the Main Street crosswalk on the north side of the intersection have been posted on sidewalks on the south side of the intersection. Pedestrians crossing the intersection on the south side, which does not have a crosswalk, leave northbound motorists with less reaction time to respond when they round the corner.


William W. Callahan, Richland, sustained head and neck injuries early Monday morning when he lost control of the 2001 Dodge Ram pickup he was driving on Highway 26 near LaCrosse. According to the Washington State Patrol report, Callahan was driving eastbound at 5:10 a.m. when the truck went out of control on the icy surface of the highway. It struck an embankment and rolled, coming to a stop on its wheels.

—Ashley Mauer, Kent, complained of a sore neck when the 2003 Infinity she was driving went out of control in snowing conditions Nov. 20 on Highway 195. According to the Washington State Patrol report, she was driving northbound at 7:40 a.m. and lost control of the Infinity when she attempted to pass another northbound vehicle. The car slid into the guardrail north of mile marker 57.

—Beverly L. Montgomery, Thornton, sustained shoulder injuries Sunday when she lost control of a 1999 Ford Taurus in icy driving conditions on Highway 195 at mile marker 44.6 north of Colfax. According to the WSP report, Montgomery was driving southbound at 6:45 a.m. when the Taurus slid on ice, crossed the centerline, struck a sign post and came to a stop in the northbound ditch.


County Coroner Pete Martin Friday issued a report of the cause of death of Clinton Dean Harris, 77, at Tekoa. Mr. Harris died at the Tekoa Care Center nursing facility from injuries sustained from a fall in a bathroom. The report said he struck his head during the fall and sustained massive injuries to his spinal cord and cervical spine. The manner of death was determined to be accidental.


Trial dates of Jan. 20 were scheduled Friday for Kenneth Himes and Sheila Rae Evans after they each pleaded not guilty in Whitman County Superior Court to four charges. They were arrested Nov. 16 near Rosalia, and later charged with possession of methamphetamine, taking trucks from Tekoa and Spokane and malicious mischief.

Evans is also being held on an arrest warrant for failing to make support payments and is scheduled for a hearing to show cause why she should not be found in contempt of court for failing to make payments as ordered. The amount of back support due is $9,816.

The court Friday denied a request by Evans for pre-trial release. Her court-appointed defense attorney, John Hart, said she had been residing in Spokane where she has been employed and could make payments on the back support with her earnings.

Bail for pre-trial release for Himes has been set at $25,000.


Jason Stapert, 41, former Malden resident whose son, Donivan Stapert, was the victim in a drug homicide case in 2013, appeared in court Friday following his arrest last week in Spokane on a warrant. The warrant was issued after Stapert failed to appear at a compliance review hearing for failure to pay fines and fees in a burglary conviction.

Stapert told the court he has moved to Spokane where he is now employed and attempting to move on with his life. He was allowed release and ordered to arrange for payment of the $1,550 due.

Stapert was convicted of breaking into the residence of Bobby Bilderback, the former Malden resident who was convicted of providing the Stapert boy with a fatal overdose of methamphetamine in March of 2013. Bilderback was sentenced to 68 months in prison.

Stapert entered the residence when Bilderback was in jail on the charges related to the death of the Stapert boy. Jason Stapert reportedly told officers he burglarized the Bilderback residence to get even with Bilderback for the loss of his son.

Bottles of liquor, guitars and a cribbage board were among items taken from the Bilderback residence which were found at Stapert’s Malden residence. Stapert was sentenced to 45 days in jail on the burglary conviction.


Three people were hurt Nov. 20 in a rollover accident on Highway 26 six miles east of Colfax. According to the Washington State Patrol report, Silvia Muru-Escalante, Arlington, lost control of a 2009 Toyota Corolla which she was driving westbound at 6:26 p.m. The Corolla left the roadway and rolled, coming to a stop on the driver’s side 40 yards from the highway.

Colfax and LaCrosse ambulance crews responded to the scene. Rescue crews had to use an extrication saw to cut into the Corolla to remove two of the passengers.

The driver was transported by MedStar helicopter to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Lewiston. The helicopter crew, from Pullman, landed at the scene. They opted to fly to Lewiston because of freezing rain conditions between the accident site and Spokane.

The driver was placed in an Intensive Care Unit at St. Joseph’s.

Passengers in the car were taken by ambulance to Whitman Hospital and Medical Center in Colfax.

Injured passengers were identified as Karen Rodriguez, also of Arlington, and Magley Mendoza Salinas, Bothell.


Colfax Police Department has received 18 applications for the officer position which will be added to the department. Oral interviews of the candidates have been scheduled for Dec. 1 and 2. The city has advertised the opening as an entry level position and the person hired will be required to go through academy training.

The city is adding an officer to provide around the clock police coverage. The move began with requests for early morning security at Whitman Hospital which is funding the addition to the force.



Colfax Eagles are planning a benefit auction for Lori Sanders who is being treated for breast cancer. She was raised in Colfax where she was known as Gina Persons. She is the daughter of Marlene Rounds.

Lori moved to Western Washington in her mid teens and now resides with her daughter, Samantha Sanders, and a grandson, Noah Knezevich.

The Eagles plan to conduct the auction in their banquet room Dec. 13. Donations of cash or auction items are sought. Angela Beggs is coordinating the auction project.



A deputy was dispatched to a residence on Endicott Road near Diamond early Nov. 19 on a report of items taken from a garage. A generator, two bicycles, and tools were reported missing from the garage. The building was not locked.


Hudson B. Flynn, 18, Pullman, has been summoned to appear in court Dec. 12 after being charged Nov. 19 with residential burglary and malicious mischief. According to a Pullman Police report, officers responded to the Phi Delta Theta fraternity Oct. 20 on a report of a fight involving several males.

Flynn was located outside a residence in the 800 block of NE Monroe Street.

According to the arrest report, a member of Phi Delta fraternity, observing from a second floor balcony, saw three males departing from the house. He and others pursued the trio who departed in different directions.

The fraternity member said he encountered Flynn carrying a clock which belonged to the fraternity and Flynn threw the clock on the ground. The report said some fighting evolved from the confrontation, and Flynn was discovered to be bleeding when an officer placed handcuffs on him.

The report said officers checked the interior of the fraternity and discovered a damaged 48-inch flat screen television and coffee table, and the top of a pool table which had been damaged with hot sauce spilled on top. A bottle for Siracha hot sauce was at the scene.

According to the report, Flynn said he had been assaulted by a fraternity member earlier in the week and they had gone to the house to retaliate.


Whitman County Library is now seeking applications for the board seat which has been resigned by Rich Chittenden of Tekoa. He was able to attend library board meetings while commuting from the Tekoa area to work at US Bank in Colfax, but has recently been re-assigned to the bank’s north town branch.


Colfax City Council Nov. 17 night approved increasing 2015 property tax revenue by one percent over the previous year. The city is limited to increasing tax revenue by one percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is less. City Treasurer Mark Clinton noted the inflation rate is 1.6 percent.

The one percent increase in property tax will generate a projected $3,929 in revenue and bump total anticipated property tax revenue to $400,693.



Cody J. Cossacno, 23, Pullman, was sentenced to 30 days in jail Nov. 4 after he pleaded guilty to an amended charge of possession of amphetamine and first degree negligent driving. The sentence was on the drug possession charge. He also received a 90-day suspended sentence on the driving charge.

The charges stem from a WSU police investigation which started with a report of two males fighting in the parking lot of N. Stephenson residence hall on the WSU campus. He was also ordered to pay $1,800 in fines and fees and placed on one year of probation.


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