Serving Whitman County since 1877
Real estate sales
John J. and Emily K. Vardell to Christopher M. ad Lexi A. Anderson, Pullman, house on SW Junegrass Lane in Pullman, $201,000, Dec. 2.
Richard B. Wilbourn and Ronald D. Wilbourn, Spokane, to Ray and JoAnn Story, and Ray Story Farms, Inc., Pullman, land near Pullman, $1,378,850, Dec. 4.
Ricky B. and Lori K. Harwood, Puyallup, to Thomas and Pennie Twiss, Port Orchard, Lot 19 on Red Tail Ridge in Colfax, $48,000, Dec. 5.
Jonathan Raymond and Amy Marie Keehner, to Average Joe’s II, LLC, Pullman, two lots in Pullman, $305,000, Dec. 5.
Gary Kevin Held, Colton, and Diane Elizabeth, S...
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