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Gar-Pal’s Nelson receives $500 award for school

Mark and Debra Nelson stand with daughter Rachel, as the Gar-Pal senior receives a $500 check from KREM 2’s Laura Papetti at a Feb. 20 assembly.

A senior at Garfield-Palouse High School has been named a recipient of the Spokane Teachers Credit Union/KREM 2 News “Credit 2 Kids” award, given during a surprise assembly Feb. 20.

“It’s a pretty neat program,” said Gar-Pal teacher John Bofenkamp, whose wife Chris nominated Rachel Nelson for the award.

“It’s rewarding good students who are helping others. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a strong academic kid, just kids that do a little more for the community.”

For the past two years, Nelson has acted as a student aide in Chris Bofenkamp’s kindergarten/first grade classroom. She also serves the Palouse Area Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) program, a subject which she did for her senior project, volunteering every Tuesday.

The group brings horseback riding to handicapped citizens of the Palouse.

“When Rach finished her project, she continued to do it, which I think speaks volumes,” said Chris Bofenkamp. “She’s just a tremendous young person. She really is.”

As one of the six recipients of the award from Eastern Washington and North Idaho, Nelson was given $500 to give to some facet of her school. She chose the music department. Accepted into WSU’s Honor’s College for next year, Nelson plans to study neuropsychology.


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