Serving Whitman County since 1877

Three port officials will make D.C. trip

Three Port of Whitman County officials are joining port officials from Washington, Oregon and Idaho for a week-long trip to Washington, D.C.

Port commission Chairman Tom Kammerzell, Executive Director Joe Poire and port staff member Kara Riebold will represent the port in the nation’s capital March 1-5. The trip is organized by the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association.

Port officials will meet with Congressional members during the four-day session to express concerns and issues that they have. Each day begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. or later, Poire said.

This is his 10th trip in his 18 years with the port, Poire said.

He said the main issue they stress to members of Congress is navigational issues and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers funding.

The action agenda for PNWA support includes an increase in the overall Corps of Engineers budget to meet national needs; advocating for the Columbia River jetties; supporting full use of annual Harbor Maintenance Tax receipts and comprehensive reform to meet Pacific Northwest needs, and supporting the Columbia River Treaty including the consideration of navigation, hydropower, flood control, irrigation, recreation and environmental needs in assessing the future of the treaty.

The agenda also includes the annual PNWA “Taste of the Northwest” reception on the evening of March 3. Poire said it has such a good reputation that hundreds of people attend the event.

Poire also said he hopes to get in a couple of tours such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

The mission officially adjourns on March 5 at 1 p.m.

PNWA supports Corps of Engineers navigation funding projects, Columbia-Snake River system long term navigation needs and Columbia Snake River system extended lock closure, among several other port subjects.


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