Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Old Days

125 years ago

The Colfax Commoner

March 7, 1890

The ice is out of the Snake River and steamers are again making regular trips between Riparia and Lewiston.

The new iron bridge on South Main is "more ornamental than useful" to the city just now and will remain so until the approaches are built.

The new quarters of this institution, in the Fraternity block, are being fitted up this week and the elegant new furniture is being placed in position. The Bank of Colfax will be installed in its new location next week.

Rain and a mild atmosphere is causing a rapid thaw again, and it is hoped that this rapid break-up will be followed by a spring in which some reliance can be placed, but our weather prophet having resigned and left for parts unknown, directly after the last freeze-up, the weather predictions in this paper are henceforth very limited.

100 years ago

The Colfax Commoner

March 5, 1915

For sale or trade: A nice house on East Street on two lots, price $3,000. Can be bought on easy terms and will make a nice home. It is now rented for $20 per month.

The Merry Minstrel Maids that played at the Ridgeway last season will be here Friday at the Pastime with a bigger and better show than ever. The show is all new this year and will be shown at popular prices.

Tillie's Punctured Romance, the greatest six-reel comedy made, will be shown at the Pastime Sunday and Monday. A scream from start to finish. Don't miss it.

75 years ago

Colfax Gazette Commoner

March 8, 1940

Six candidates are scheduled to appear at the naturalization hearing at the courthouse May 13, according to the list released by the county clerk's office this week. To be examined are Frank McKay, Pullman, subject of Great Britain; Robert Trent Congdon, Pullman, Great Britain; John Rainhold Carlson, Pullman, Sweden; Sister Jules Edmond (Annette Laurin), Colfax, Great Britain; Hinrich Schroeder, Colfax, Germany; E. Louise Naysmyth, Pullman, Great Britain.

50 years ago

Colfax Gazette

March 11, 1965

A dream which began more than 20 years ago will become a reality Sunday when A. Lars Nelson, the Washington State Grange Master, dedicates the new Parvin Grange Hall. Dedication of the hall will come after 20 years of planning, a year and a half of labor and approximately 10,000 man hours of effort turned in by volunteer help. Improvements include several additions to the original building which originally started out as an open air dance hall. The building was constructed as a dance hall in the 1920s and was converted into the Parvin Grange Hall in 1934.

25 years ago

Colfax Gazette

March 8, 1990

Pictured is a flying Brian Kriebel showing the pace of the Garfield-Palouse who wrapped up a 27-0 season and the state B title Saturday in Spokane. The Vikings topped a contingent of five county schools that returned home with trophies from hoop action in Spokane and Tacoma. Tekoa/Oakesdale girls placed third, St. John/Endicott and both Colfax teams placed fourth.

10 years ago

Whitman County Gazette

March 10, 2005

A young team with a 15-9 record at the start, the Colfax Bulldogs pulled off an amazing run of four wins last week in Yakima's SunDome to claim the state A hoop trophy for another year. Pictured hoisting the globe before they bring it home are Lauren Mellor, Jordan Harazin, Katie Burns, Angie Dennison, Kylie Shaw, Megan Teade and Kindsey Doering. Coach Corey Baerlocher gives a little tribute on his knees. Colfax has won the state title in three of the last four years.


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