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Colton team qualifies for state Olympiad

Colton High School and junior high students competed March 7 in the 2015 Science Olympiad regional tournament at Spokane Community College. Colton entered two junior high teams. The first team placed third among 20 teams and qualified for a trip to the Olympiad, which will be held at Highline Community College in Des Moines April 18. The second team finished in tenth place. The team appreciates the support from coaches, students and school administrators. Kelli Daly helped coach the anatomy groups, and the parents were able to come in and help with building events during the last couple weeks of preparation. Hong Truing made fried rice and homemade pizza.

Medals and ribbons:

Air Trajectory, 3rd - Kyle Daly and Adam Scharnhorst.

Bottle Rockets, 4th - Reece Chadwick and Luke Vining.

Bridge Building, 1st - Ellen O’Toole and Anthony Heaney.

Bridge Building, 2nd - Francis O’Toole and Dakota Patchen.

Crime Busters, 2nd - Alex Kelly and Taylor Thomas.

Disease Detectives, 2nd - Alex Kelly and Luke Vining.

Dynamic Planet, 1st - Erin Ankerson and Paiton Kirpes.

Elastic Launched Glider, 2nd - Brady Stout and Luke Vining.

Meteorology, 4th - Anthony Heaney and Erin Ankerson.

Robo-Cross, 1st - Alex Kelly and Eric Ankerson.

Robo-Cross, 4th - Adam Scharnhorst and Jackson Meyer.

Simple Machines, 1st - Emily Schultheis and Jordan Moehrle.

Write It/Do It, 2nd - Ellen O’Toole and Rachel Willis.


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