Serving Whitman County since 1877
Real estate sales
P&F Medical Services, LLC, St. John, to Jonathan R. Hill, Tekoa, house on S. Water Street in Tekoa, $86,000, March 17.
William and Joan Budd, Uniontown, to Jason P. and Madelynne D. Baerlocher, Pullman, house on S. Railroad Avenue in Uniontown, $350,000, March 17.
Joseph A. and Martha L. Keeney, Colfax, to Scott L. and Carolyn Barndt, Clarkston, house on N. Main Street in Albion, $139,700, March 17.
Arthur Gayle and Nancy Ann Startin, LaCrosse, to Eric E. and Lois E. Startin, LaCrosse, undeveloped land, $5,000, March 18.
Bruce C. and Caron R. West, Endicott, to Palouse Colony, LLC, Post Falls, Idaho, house on Grove Road in Endicott, $225,000, March 18.
Stephanie M. Hood, Lewiston, to Nikki Allan, Uniontown, two lots in Sunnyside Addition on SW Spruce Street in Pullman, $97,000, March 19.
Ryan M. Pack, Redmond, Wash., to John Aeschliman, Pullman, house on NW Timothy Street in Pullman, $178,000, March 19.
Rita R. Holland, trustee of the David and Rita Holland Family Trust, Redmond, Ore., to Glenn R. and Yasmin R. Wyrick, Pullman, house on SW Monta Vista Circle in Pullman, $227,000, March 19.
Thomas E. and Mitzi Crall, Okracoke, NC, to Ryan Root, Palouse, house on Wiley’s Second Addition in Palouse, $87,000, March 20.
Brenden K. and Erin B. McNannay, Lynnwood, to David E. and Charity A. Downing, Pullman, house on NW Ventura Drive in Pullman, $230,000, March 20.
Stephen F. and Kathleen A. Mcauley, Saranac Lake, NY, to Kirk R. and Kathryn D. Sherrill, Pullman, house on SW McKenzie Street in Pullman, $197,500, March 20.
Tod L. and Darlene Goodall, West Richland, to Willis and Phyllis N. Mouton, Sprague, house on H Street in Endicott, $54,000, March 20.
Jerry R. and Jerrie A. Jones, Auburn, to Flyn and Esther J. Sam, Pullman, house on NW Bella Vista Drive in Pullman, $255,000, March 23.
Garrett R. and Rachel A. Clegg, Pullman, to Alexander G. and Rebecca C. Grinch, Columbia, Mo., house on SW Finch Way in Pullman, $395,000, March 23.
Marriage license
Sean Evan Bennington, 32, Pullman, and Raelyn Maria Weaver, 34, Pullman, March 17.
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