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Colfax contestants, from the left, Hailey Ring, Sidney Sheer, Roxanne Allenbach, Morgan Lord, Sarah Appel, Nicole Wiley, Allison Dunning, Olivia Mellor and Pearl Griffiths.
Sarah Appel, center, won the Colfax Distinguished Young Woman honor Saturday night after taking three of the preliminary competitions. She is the daughter of Eric and Shannon Appel of Dusty. Olivia Mellor, daughter of Kim and Sue Mellor, right, was named first runner-up, and Pearl Griffiths, daughter of Richard and Tess Griffiths, left was second runner-up.
Left: Passengers on the Minnow for the Jilligan’s Island script included, from the left, Erica Eng as the captain, Amara Huber as Jilligan, Ysabeaux Ng as the professor, Chris Koenig and RJ Reynolds as Lovey and Thurston Howell, Ashton Aune as Maryanne and Nick McAdams as Jimmy Grant. Eng, Huber and Ng completed their terms as 2015 DYW royalty.
Sarah Appel, who topped three of the five competition categories, was named Colfax Distinguished Young Woman for 2016 after a two-hour program Saturday night in the Colfax High School auditorium. She is the daughter of Eric and Shannon Appel of Dusty.
Olivia Mellor, daughter of Kim and Sue Mellor, was named first runner-up, and Pearl Griffiths, daughter of Richard and Tess Griffiths, was named second runner-up.
Appel received a $1,000 scholarship with the DYW medal. She topped the competitions for self expression, scholastic performance and interview with the judges.
A scholarship of $600 went to the first alternate winner and one for $400 to the second alternate.
Nicole Wiley, who sang Tu Lo Sai by Giuseppe Torelli, won the $250 talent competition, and Mellor topped the fitness competition. Griffiths won the spirit award.
Again this year, the local DYW organization was able to present $100 scholarship awards to the number-two finishers in the five categories. They included Morgan Lord in fitness and judges interview, Mellor in talent, Griffiths in self expression and scholarship.
Titled “Jilligan’s Island,” the show had a supporting cast for a parody of the television classic “Gilligan’s Island.”
This year’s DYW finishers were included in the script with Amara Huber cast as Jilligan, Erica Eng as the captain of the Minnow, and Ysabeaux Ng as the professor.
Other members of the cast were RJ Reynolds and Chris Koenig as Thurston and Lovey Howell, Ashtyn Aune as Maryanne, and Nick McAdams as Jimmy Grant.
Island Boys Bo Claassen, Cody Gronning and Mark Webber opened the show with the Gilligan intro song.
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