Serving Whitman County since 1877

Pastor’s corner

Brothers and sisters in Christ, Roman Catholic and Protestant, members of denominations and independents, all in Christ’s Church are now concluding its Lenten journey, and we are about to celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter.

During Lent, each of us has examined our faith in full knowledge of the wonderful yet humbling reality that Jesus gave his life so that we might find new lives through him. We’ve been following in the footsteps of Jesus since Ash Wednesday, and we’ve seen the many ways in which God’s love is constantly invading our lives with compassion, as well as with grace, mercy and great joy. During our journey, we’ve fully embraced our calling to work on behalf of God to transform this world God loves even in the midst of life’s dark and chaotic realities.

And after Good Friday’s cross comes Easter’s empty tomb. Easter is a great statement that God really is powerfully at work to make all things new. Our shared Easter faith allows us to see the possibility of God’s promise of new life in every death. It allows us to see hope in the midst of bleak despair. As an “Easter People,” we have the eyes to see God’s light shining into even the deepest darkness. Our Lenten journey has delivered us safely into the arms of our loving God who, through his son, offers us life everlasting. Thank you for being a faithful participant in this world transformative journey.

The Rev, Bob Ingalls, pastor

Malden Community Congregational Church


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