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Sixth grader Christian Burt led the third quarter honor roll with all-A grades at Garfield-Palouse Middle School. Other high honors students with grade averages of 3.5 or higher were Keely Burnes, Abi Cochrane, Sarita Matuszek-Devancy, Ainslee Marcus, Eddie O'Neill and Emily Perkins, eighth grade; Brooke Bankus, Lexi Brantner and Lauren Welch, seventh grade; Jacob Anderson, Ethan Cook, Danny Laughary, Patrick Orfe and Taylor Zehm, sixth grade.
Honor students with a grade average of 3.0 to 3.49 included Tanner Anderson, Desi Brown, Aspen Greenwalt, Ely Hopkins, Kris Murphy, Riley Pedersen and Austin Stockert, eighth grade; Isaac Bailey, Dawson Dugger, Mikayla Evans, Justice Keller, Joel Link, Lizzy Stout, Tristan West, Ty West and Jocelyn Whitesell, seventh grade; Calyn Brantner, Paige Collier, Olivia Knauff and Miranda Richards, sixth grade.
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