Serving Whitman County since 1877
125 years ago
The Commoner
April 25, 1890
The drilling for artesian water in South Colfax was delayed a few days ago by striking a substratum of black sand which cut the steel piping used in the operations connected with drilling. The delay is only temporary however. Men are engaged in digging till this sand bed is passed through when the drilling will continue. It is to be hoped such delays will not be frequent as the public is anxious to know the result of this last endeavor to secure flowing water.
It is time for the Colfax sports to rustle. Where is the base ball nine which was the proud boast of the city a year or two ago, as having a clear unbroken record of never having won a game? It should don its uniform and go up to Spokane some day to prove to that scrub line they call "professionals" that there is nothing in a name after all. Surely the Colfax club will come in for a share of the honors which are to be won in base ball circles during the season now opening.
100 years ago
The Colfax Commoner
April 23, 1915
The Senior class took advantage of the traditionary privilege of all senior classes by failing to show up for recitations Wednesday. It being nearly impossible to get along without the senior class, a holiday was proclaimed and the other students made a picnic excursion to the country.
Forty-six medals for the winners of the Whitman County track meet to be held in Colfax April 30th, have been received by O.C. Glaser, and the fine silver cup that will go to the winning school. There are gold, silver and bronze medals for the first, second and third respectively. It is expected that the coming meet will be an exceedingly close one as several of the schools have good men. Colfax has won the meet three times in succession and will make their rivals go some to get a victory this year.
75 years ago
April 26, 1940
Bishop Charles D. White, head of the Spokane Catholic Diocese, was here Tuesday for the conference of parish councils in Whitman and Asotin counties. He complimented the parishes on their work in religious vacation schools, in study clubs and in eliminating salacious literature.
Playing at the Rose Theatre is "The Road to Singapore," starring Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. The advertisement reads, "Two roughhouse sailors with a girl in every port." Along with the main movie is Mickey Mouse in "The Riveter" and "Natural Wonders of Washington State."
50 years ago
Colfax Gazette
April 29, 1965
You don't have to be retired to go fishing, commercially, but it helps. That's the word from Dave Burns, pioneer Colfax auto parts dealer who left Tuesday for LaPush on the Olympic peninsula and other fishing grounds on the Pacific Ocean with a new camper and a boat equipped for deep sea fishing.
Charlene Hargrave, St. John 4H Club member, is pictured with her steer which won the grand championship in the St. John Fair this year.
25 years ago
Colfax Gazette
April 26, 1990
Colfax School District should add six classrooms to Jennings Elementary School to deal with the increasing space problems. These rooms would house junior high school classes and include five regular classrooms and one science room.
An all-class reunion to mark the 100th anniversary of Palouse High School is planned in July. First class in 1890 totaled five members.
10 years ago
Whitman County Gazette
April 28, 2005
A helicopter pilot walked away from a crash south of Uniontown Monday after the UH-1 Huey's rotor blades struck a power pole while spraying herbicides.
The Quonset building at the intersection of SR 26 and SR 127 in Dusty is reflecting a fresh coat of silver paint in the early stages of becoming a new country store.
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