Serving Whitman County since 1877
Neil and Liz Appel held a barbecue at the home of his parents, Dick and Helen Appel, to honor Dan and Jordon Appel, Michaela and Calvin of Indianola, Iowa. Also attending were Bruce, Charlie and Spencer Appel of Hamilton, Mass .; Jim Appel of Dusty, and Catie Farigrieve of Gig Harbor.
Linda Hennigar and Jim Moore attended the outdoor wedding reception for Ashleigh Hennigar and Corey Brown at the home of her parents, Randy and Linda Hennigar, near Deary, Idaho, Saturday evening. They were married earlier in the day. Ashleigh is the granddaughter of former Whitman County residents, Jack and Marilyn Hennigar.
Cross Country will present a musical morning worship service Sunday, July 19, at 11 a.m. at the Methodist Church in LaCrosse.
Apricots and early peaches are on at Warm Springs Ranch on the Snake River. Call Brian Jones for an appointment to come pick. He will be starting harvest soon.
Harvest has started more than a week early in the South Dusty area.
Guests at the home of Kim and Cindy Pitts from Thursday to Monday were their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, Jen and Ryan Hammons and Kellen, Becket and Willa, from Boise, Idaho.
This reporter made an error last week in reporting that Blake Heaton was at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. He is in Deaconness Hospital. I apologize for my mistake. A procedure was perfomed last week to help stop the bleeding in his bladder. For awhile, they were able to move him out of I.C.U. but unfortunately, a fever developed and he had to be moved back to I.C.U. There have been no further reports in a couple of days.
Karen Broeckel attended a Schaal (her mother Amelia’s family) family reunion at the home of cousin Danny and Nadine Nilles near Medical Lake Saturday afternoon. Other Broeckels who attended were Al Broeckel, Tacoma, and Patty Wieber, Brett Wieber and Jamie and Bobby Halbig of Spokane. About 40 relatives and friends enjoyed good food and visiting.
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