Serving Whitman County since 1877

The PEF returns

The Palouse Empire Fair kicks off next week.

It is a tradition at the end of summer. It comes with the first days of the new school year, and the first whispers of fall-like weather. Usually, it is just on the heels of harvest.

The Palouse Empire Fair is the largest gathering of people in rural county, and there is a reason for that.

It is a good old-fashioned show, reflecting the long tradition of post harvest celebrations where old and new friends gather for some socializing and fun.

The fair is not overwhelming in scale, but it offers everything that makes fairs special.

As with most fairs, food is everywhere. Many of the food vendors represent local organizations raising money for their special community projects. As with the food, exhibits, displays and points of interest are everywhere. At the gazebo, entertainment draws a crowd throughout the run of the fair. A first class rodeo provides exciting action, and the carnival provides just enough thrills and chills to be comfortable for the whole family.

Highlights are the young FFA and 4H exhibitors and their animals.

Everyday has something different. There are no pretenses and no phony glitz. It is just a bit of honest fun and entertainment.

And, for many it is a chance to connect (or re-connect) with the rural roots of the area.

Gordon Forgey



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