Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters Oct. 22



Richard Lathim should be chosen to represent us as the 9th District State Representative. The election ballot arrived in my letter box on Monday, so for those voters who have not sent in their ballots before Thursday, October 22nd, when this letter is published, perhaps my observations might be of use to those who are undecided.

I attended the forum held in the Whitman County Library where the two candidates for that position spoke and answered questions. If you missed it and would like to watch the video, it can be found on the Pullman League of Women Voters website forums.html. The portion for the 9th District starts at about the 50 minute 53 second spot, since the first 50 minutes were devoted to the Colfax Mayoral candidates.

Richard Lathim impressed me because he answered questions directly, and I thought he answered them well. Lathim is a man with practical experience working with a variety of people and agencies. His record of being elected and re-elected as Sheriff in Franklin County indicates that he has been tested well in the arena of public service. I think he is the candidate who will do the best job of representing the varied interests of Whitman County.

Lathim's opponent cannot match that experience.

Vote for the person who will listen to the people he represents and be effective in Olympia.

Mark Bordsen, Colfax


After attending the Candidates Forum on 10/12/2015, I was impressed with Mr. Vanek's vision for the city of Colfax.

His long term vision for Colfax is to try and get businesses to relocate to the Industrial Park at the airport and create jobs for the Colfax area.

Vanek emphasized the need for long term planning for the future needs of the city of Colfax.

After listening to Mr. Roberts, all I got from him is that he has lived in Colfax all his life and wants to keep Colfax the way it is now and not improve the economy of Colfax.

Mr. Roberts has no plans on improving Colfax or making the city of Colfax financially stable.

Mr. Vanek has plans for the future of Colfax and helping make life better for the citizens of Colfax.

I ask that you return Mr. Vanek to the office of mayor for the city of Colfax.

Dan Gardiner,



Jeremiah Roberts is ready to be the Mayor of Colfax.

Colfax is ready for a Mayor that is interested in listening to and pursuing the wishes of the citizens rather than pushing his own agenda.

Roberts wants to see the existing businesses flourish and wants to work toward encouraging new business to locate within the existing city limits.

He wants to bring back the excitement of having Main Street full of people enjoying the hometown atmosphere.

Since the Council is the ultimate decision maker, he will make sure they know well in advance of any and all issues.

Jeremiah knows how important the infrastructure is.

He wants to see money spent wisely on existing problems before taking off in different directions.

He understands budgets and knows how important grants are to the stability of Colfax and knows that all available dollars need to be allocated wisely.

Jeremiah wants to listen to the employees, respect them, and use their input in the challenges that face the City.

They have not had that opportunity with the current Mayor.

As the Mayor of Colfax Jeremiah will be available and approachable.

Don Henderson,



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