Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters Oct. 29

A different Trail view

In the early 1900’s when the land was acquired for what was to become the Milwaukee Railroad, the right-of-way was either deeded with the condition it would return to the landowner if it ever ceased being a railroad or it was sold for a small amount of money under the threat of eminent domain. When the Milwaukee Railroad went bankrupt, the State took ownership of the abandoned right-of-way in 1981, and also after the Washington State Supreme Court later reversed lower court rulings that had granted ownership rights to adjacent landowners.

During the past 34 years there have been virtually no improvements or maintenance to the corridor.

Just like any other neglected or abandoned property, this has resulted in a long history of trespass, vandalism, thievery and scavenging.

The 34-year problem for adjacent landowners is these activities aren’t limited to the State’s land.

The unsecured and undeveloped right-of-way becomes a corridor for trespass onto the private property of adjacent landowners.

The state has no answer for solving these problems that plague the approximately 200 adjacent property owners for the 200+ miles of corridor east of the Columbia River that is undeveloped and basically not used.

To call this corridor a State Park is very generous.

It is more accurately a neglected, abandoned railroad right-of-way.

Urban homeowners should imagine having a public sidewalk through their backyard that would allow anyone to venture onto their patio or rummage through their property.

While some trails closer to population centers or in mountainous areas enjoy popularity, this 200+ mile stretch of corridor is mostly desolate and not beautiful like many smaller trails are.

Most of the miles cut through thousands of acres of remote cattle pasture where ranchers are forced to maintain what is supposed to be the State’s fences and spray the State’s noxious weeds that threaten to infiltrate their own property.

It would take many millions of dollars to develop and maintain this former right-of-way, and the State Parks Department has to admit they don’t and won’t have that kind of money to develop additional assets.

They are extremely challenged to manage the assets they operate now.

The discussion of whether this would be a wise or practical expenditure of our precious taxpayer dollars is a whole additional debate.

Representative Joe Schmick has been characterized as serving the wants of private landowners.

The fact is he has worked to find a solution to a 34-year-old problem of the State Parks Department with their adjacent landowner neighbors.

And frankly, his attempt to solve this problem by adding a provision to the State Parks Department’s Capital Budget meets the definition of true compromise.

It provides a solution to the problem, but leaves both sides less than completely satisfied.

The budget provision allows adjacent landowners to assume ownership of their piece of the corridor and properly manage the land, as they do now with the thousands of acres that surround this right-of-way.

However, they must grant the State easements that allow the placement of utilities in the corridor, and allow the State to take back ownership if the legislature authorizes funding to properly develop a trail on the right-of-way.

Again, not perfect for either side, but it certainly addresses the significant problems that both sides have had to deal with for 34 years.

Representative Schmick is now organizing a workgroup representing involved parties so that all voices can be heard and a solution found.

The subject of public trails wandering through beautiful scenery is very romantic. However, especially in this particular situation, there is much more to the story. The adjacent landowners of the former Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way have been burdened with the realities of neglectful state ownership for more than 30 years. Representative Schmick’s efforts are a responsible attempt to find a very long overdue solution.

Jay Allert,


Best choice

We are writing this letter in support of Jeremiah “JW” Roberts, “Our Voice for Mayor.” JW has been a life-long Colfax resident and knows and understands the rich traditions of our community. He is actively involved in community activities and has a true understanding of what our community is looking for. JW has a commitment to accomplishment, is well organized, self-motivated and solicits suggestions for improvement from the people around him. JW also has an eagerness to learn and the ability to work with others. His positive attitude and the ability to relate to a community in which he has grown up truly makes him the “best” choice for Mayor.

Jason & Jennifer Cooper,


Proven leader

Election time is here, and one of the most important for Colfax is the mayoral race. Colfax has a budget of over $3,000,000! There are also 21 full time employees, many part time employees and a large number of volunteer firemen and EMTs. Todd Vanek has done an excellent job of running our city. He has proven he is a capable leader.

Todd has finally brought Colfax into the modern-day world. Under his leadership, we now have one of the most qualified and innovative city managers we have ever had, Mike Rizzitiello. We now have an experienced and creative promotions employee working for the city. Just one example is the old St. Ignatius Hospital which had been deteriorating for so many years. One idea from this new department produced nationwide exposure and tens of thousands of dollars for the city. In addition, the area is now getting cleaned; restoration is in the future and more.

Todd has proven he is a very qualified leader and businessman, not only in running our city, but in the military as well. If you’re going to give someone a three million dollar business to run, one with multiple full and part time employees, it is imperative you pick someone who has the experience and proven capability. Being mayor is not an on the job training program. You need someone like Todd Vanek who had proven he can do the job and do it well.

Bob Hauser,


Walking the line

Having just moved to Colfax, I was excited to learn that Todd Vanek is the mayor and seeking re-election. I worked with Todd when he worked for Washington State University’s Center for Teaching and Learning. From that interaction, I learned that Todd values access to education, evidence-based problem-solving, collaboration with constituents and co-workers, and thoughtful, strategic planning. Those values make him a strong candidate for mayor.

Colfax is clearly a town with massive potential. It hosts a combination of lovely homes; magnificent trees, views and wildlife; friendly people, and more than a few first-rate businesses. The challenge for this town is how to take advantage of these wonderful qualities to increase its economic potential, without jeopardizing its cozy, small-town values.

As a mayor, Vanek is capable of walking that fine line. He is the kind of decision-maker who can create and sustain long-term community growth because he knows how to gather, assess and draw conclusions from evidence. His mayor-ship will not be about guess-work or grandstanding, but about truly understanding the needs of a complex community as it seeks to prosper in the midst of challenging economic times.

Lisa Johnson, Colfax


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