Serving Whitman County since 1877

More than 40 attend area business sites

Pullman Chamber of Commerce hosted a regional tour Nov. 6 of businesses and other areas of the Palouse region.

Co-sponsored by the Port of Whitman County, Port of Clarkston and Port of Lewiston, the tour had about 45 attendees and was a “great success,” according to Pullman Chamber Director Marie Dymkoski.

“It was just a really good array of folks,” she said. “Just a variety of community members who wanted to learn more. Everyone just really enjoyed the trip. We have had good feedback.”

Some of the sights seen included the Port Business Center, Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport, the new McGregor Company fertilizer terminal at the Port of Wilma, Lower Granite Dam and Boyer Park & Marina.

The tour Friday was a revival of the chamber tour which previously took place yearly. The last tour was three years ago, Port Executive Director Joe Poiré said.

Dymkoski also said additional people joined the group in Clarkston for the lunch at the Quality Inn. About 200 people were there.

Dymkoski said it was “very enlightening” for people to be able to see some of the business going on around the Palouse, such as the runway realignment project at the Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport and the construction at Boyer Park & Marina.

All three Port of Whitman County commissioners attended as well as many county commissioners, past and present, retired farmers and several others. She also thanked the three ports for their contribution in making the event happen.

“It was super helpful that the ports would help with the large expense of the transportation,” she said. She added that the contributions from the ports keep the cost of the tickets down and make the tour more affordable.


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