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Commissioners adopt financial mission plan

The Whitman County Commissioners at their regular meeting Monday discussed and adopted a mission, vision and goals plan to help the county move forward to financial stability. The five year plan will serve the county as it seeks to correct financial woes and inconsistencies which have plagued the county for a decade.

“If we do not address internal and external issues we are going to be in a financial crisis in approximately three years,” said Commissioner Michael Largent. “Now is the time – not while we are in a crisis – to address these issues.”

The mission, vision and goals were drafted in response to recommendations made by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) which has assisted the county after failed audits this year and in recent years.

The county has not passed an audit from the State Auditor’s Office (SAO) in more than a decade.

“If we do not do this, the alternative is ugly,” Largent commented.

The mission statement reads, “In order to serve the needs of the citizens of Whitman County in a professional and timely manner, Whitman County will strive to use best practices and good management standards that protect the public’s assets, health and safety and enriches their lives and enhances economic opportunities.”

Largent said that he wants the mission to be more than just words.

“It is just words if you do not put some meat behind it,” he said. “We felt that we needed something right now to focus us.”

To accomplish the mission, the commissioners have outlined a vision and goals plan.

The vision is that “in five years Whitman County will be a fiscally responsible, stable and efficient example of how county government should function.”

Commissioner Art Swannack agreed with Largent that now is the time to act.

“As we run into this fiscal time bomb that is happening, we need to be able to make wise decisions,” he said. “We need to get this fixed now.”

Goal one in the revised mission, vision and goals is to “improve financial accountability for the public’s money in Whitman County.” To accomplish this goal, the commissioners have outlined four objectives they feel will help to achieve the goal, which include implementing internal controls consistent with best practices, producing timely and accurate quarterly financial statements, monthly reconciliation of bank statements and proposing improvements to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Largent told the Gazette that it will take getting everyone on board to accomplish these goals.

“This is not just something for the commissioners to accomplish,” he said. “This is something for us to collectively accomplish.”

The second goal states that “The Commission will adopt and monitor financial policies consistent with Goal 1” and provides three objectives for accomplishing the goal. The objectives are to design and propose financial policies, implement the financial policies and monitor compliance with the financial policies as policies are implemented.

The third and final goal is to “Improve the County’s budget process to promote accountability regarding county resources consistent with GFOA best practices.”

Largent said the goals will help to provide a focal point for all involved in the process to move the county forward.

“If we accomplish those goals, we will have gone a long way toward controlling the internal issues,” he said. “By utilizing the mission, vision and goals as set forth, it will help the county to collectively address the issues that have been plaguing us over time.”

Largent said he was thankful for all the work that went into the mission, vision and goals.

“I am very proud of my two fellow commissioners,” he said. “I am very proud of these guys for taking this on.”

Department heads and elected officials in the county will be working together to help the county to get to where it needs to be, Largent said. He said that he has confidence in all those involved.

“Our people are too good and too dedicated in this county to not catch this ahead of the curve,” he said. “I have a great deal of confidence in the dedication and competency of the people that work for the county, and it is our job to work together to address the problem.”

Largent told the Gazette two weeks ago that helping to fix the county’s internal and external controls over their financial practices is his top priority. He reiterated that at the meeting Monday.

“This is for me, personally as a commissioner, my most important priority.”


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