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Bulldog grid banquet honors 11 seniors

Team award winners at Tuesday's football banquet were, from the left, Riley Wuestenay, most improved; Keith Gfeller, most valuable teammate, Christopher Aspenwall, scholastic award; Reggie Jones, co-winner of the coaches' award; Tyler Kincaid, most inspirational; and Nick McAdams, co-winner of the inspirational award.

Eleven Colfax football seniors were honored at the head table Tuesday night to wrap up the fall seasion. Head Coach Mike Morgan introduced each of the new football grads and told a few tales about each. Morgan said the bottom line goal of the season will always be to learn something and "make these guys better human beings." He predicted the lineup of seniors will go on to great things in their adult lives.

The senior lineup included Brian De Young, Zway Erickson, Cody Fulfs, Keith Gfeller, Reggie Jones, Tyler Kincaid, Kenton Lyman, Nick McAdams, Galen McWhirter, Adam Tate and Tobie Warwick.

The Bulldog team this year finished one win short of the state playoffs with a loss to Asotin in the NE-SE crossover game. Overall record for the season was 4-6 with a 4-4 record in the NE league. Morgan noted all of the six teams that defeated Colfax eventually landed among the 16 state playoff entrants.

Top player awards, voted by the team members, went to Tyler Kincaid, senior lineman who was injured during the season, most inspirational; Keith Gfeller, senior quarterback who played other positions on defense, most valuable teammate; and Riley Wuestney, sophomore lineman, most improved.

Co-winners of the coaches award were Nick McAdams and Reggie Jones. Chris Aspenwall, a junior, received the scholastic award for top grade average.

Position coaches presented letter awards with coach Jason Cooper presenting defensive back awards to Blake Bodey, Ben Ahmann, Caleb Brown, Tate, Warwick, Gfeller and McWhirter.

Coach Todd Kinley presented awards to linebackers Christopher Jones, Dane Hall, Jared Kneale, Fulfs, Lyman, Erickson, DeYong and Reggie Jones.

Line coach Mark Brown presented awards to Jared Thompson, McAdams, Wuestney, Jon Klaveano and Tyler Kincaid.

First-year jayvee coach Levi Ellis recognized players Issac Warner, Jonas Canup, Garrett Phillips. Dakota Hall, Derek Ward, Darian Ward, Gabe Ahmann, Augie Allenbach, Tucker Gleason, A.J. Miller and Connor Pelissier.

Jayvee players who earned varisty letters included Brett Kincaid, Dylan Nails and Aspenwall.

Top jayvee player awards went to A.J. Miller, most improved; Blake Bodey, most inspirational; Brett Kincaid, most valuable teammate, and Tucker Gleason, best scout team player.

Cheerleader coach Connie Ellis recognized Hailey Ring, a four-year member of the sqaud, as the lone senior grad for the cheer squad. Other cheeerleaders this year were Abagail Buffington and Lauren Claassen, juniors; Sara Whelchel and Haley Aase, sophomores; Brooklyn Smith, Casey Fulfs, and MacKenna Roberts, freshmen.

Coach Morgan recognized ball boys Jacob Brown, Zach Cooper and Trent Hennigar for their work during the year.


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