Serving Whitman County since 1877

Endicott club plans undecoration day


Endicott Community Club met Jan. 5. The Christmas activities were discussed. Plans are underway for taking down all the Christmas decorations Jan. 30, Bingo Feb. 20 and ongoing projects.

Wednesday Soup and Bread was hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church. Eight soups as well as several kinds of bread and desserts were served to 90 residents. The next Soup and Bread will be Jan. 20, served by Community Bible Church at Trinity Lutheran.

Endicott Gun Club: The club always welcomes new shooters. This week's new shooter was Nichole Vietz. 14 shooters attended.

Scores: Open - Jim Pelissier 23, Ed Schultz 23, Todd Strader 22, Trevor Johnson 19, Larry Garrett 19; Women - Jessica Geissinger 22, Teresa Reiter 8, Nichole Vietz, 7 (new shooter); Junior - Connor Pelissier 23, Joe Vietz 18, Carsten Miller 12.


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