Serving Whitman County since 1877

Farmer's breakfast booked for Feb. 24 at Methodist church

The next Colfax Farmer's Breakfast meeting is slated for Feb. 24 at 7 a.m. The meeting will be in the meeting room of the Colfax Methodist Church.

The breakfast is sponsored by Mark Peterson of Dow AgroSciences. Joe Yenish, also of Dow AgroSciences, will present information about stabilizing nitrogen in the soil for cereal and rotation crops.

Dennis Roe of WSU Crops and Soils said attendance is usually around 25-30 people, sometimes 40. He said the meetings provide a good opportunity for farmers to come in for breakfast and ag education, as well as shopping at some of the local farm retailers.

Local growers will also present on cropping systems.

Roe said the growers will be featuring products that help keep nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers from soaking, or leaching, down into the soil and out of reach of plant roots.

Those who attend are encouraged to bring questions as well as a friend. The meeting is free and open to the public.


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