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Tekoa city, school eye field sale

The subject of the possible sale of the Tekoa school athletic field is on the agenda Monday night at the Tekoa city council meeting.

“If we decide to enhance the football field, the only way we could get grants is if we own the property,” said Tekoa High School Principal Dan Hutton .

“That’s why we’re looking into it.”

The town has long owned the 2.5-acre flood-plain property, which encompasses the football field, a Little League baseball field and a softball field.

Tekoa Mayor John Jaeger said the council is open to selling it.

“You can’t build down there,” he said. “You could put alfalfa down there.”

While the city owns the ground, the school district leases it for $500 per year and maintains it.

One of the enhancements to the football field would be replacing the lights, which were taken down last year after rot in the poles deemed them unsafe.

“It’s totally up in the air,” Hutton said of potentially buying the field. “Our next step is to see what the city wants to do with it and whether they want to sell it to us.”


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