Serving Whitman County since 1877

Whitman and Latah Republicans to celebrate Lincoln Day together

Lincoln Day, the annual fundraising event of the Republican Party, will be celebrated jointly by Whitman and Latah counties Friday night at the SEL Event Center in Pullman.

The counties will team up for the celebration with keynote speakers Mike Crapo, Idaho's U.S. Senator; Ed Schweitzer, CEO at SEL, and special guest speaker Steven Yates, Idaho Republican Party chairman.

Other special guests will include Idaho Lieutenant Governor Brad Little, Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden and Idaho State Controller Brandon Woolf.

Michele Beckmann, a board member of the Washington State Republican Party, said the event is a fundraising and social dinner. She said it is a great time for like-minded people to get together.

“I appreciate getting to know people who share vision and beliefs,” she said, adding that this is a time for people to “invest time and treasure in our country and trying to help our country to continue.”

The celebration will include a social hour and meet and greet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. with dinner and program start at 6:30 p.m. According to the website for the event, there will also be silent and live auctions as well as live music. Beckmann said that some of the auction items include jewelry, WWI war bond posters, a family movie night basket and a car care basket.

Tickets are $50 per person, and seating is limited.

Registration is available at

Questions can be directed to [email protected].


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