Serving Whitman County since 1877

Dusty residents attend Potlatch DYW program


Linda Hennigar and Jim Moore attended the Distinguished Young Woman event in Potlatch Saturday. Hennigar's great-niece, Brookelyn Carpenter, won the spirit, fitness and scholastic categories and was first runner-up. Carpenter's parents are Bret Carpenter and Joyce Carpenter. Her grandparents are former Whitman County residents, Jack and Marilyn Hennigar.

Steve and Becky Camp attended the Onecho Bible Church musical presentation of “The Story” Friday evening.

David and Phyllis Stueckle, Ann Emerson and Bill Emerson attended the wedding of Bill’s step-son, Joe, in Prosser Saturday.

Traveling to Yakima for Easter weekend, Harm and Jan Smith joined Gina and Jason Morgan and Micah for Sunday Easter service. The Morgans and the Smiths later were dinner guests of Larry and Bobbie Morgan.

Easter weekend guests at the home of Lucky and Joan Myrick were Mike Myrick and Rhonda Cluff, Spanaway; Rich Myrick and Jannetta, Moses Lake; and Rich’s daughter Deanna Myrick and friend Chris, Spanaway. They were joined after Easter services for dinner by Larry and Di Brink, Dusty; Mike Stine, LaCrosse; John and Brandi Brink and Myla and Lexie, Colfax, and Rob Myrick, Dusty. Mike and Rhonda, Deanna and Chris returned to their respective homes later on Sunday and Rich and Jannetta went home on Monday.

Easter weekend guests at the Dick Appel home were Bruce, Elaine, Charlie and Spenser Appel, Spokane. They were joined by Rob, Caroline, Zack, Kade, Elly and Luciene Kunkel, Pullman, for supper Saturday. Easter guests were the Bruce Appel family, Phil Appel, Cheney, and guests Leslie and Kellie; Eric, Shannon, Connor, Christopher, Sarah, Kyle and Sidney Appel, Dusty; Neil, Liz, Josh, Noemi, Isaac and John Paul Appel, Dusty; Lisa, Travis, Miriam, Rachel, Emma and Colette Frei, Palouse, and Jim Appel and Catie Fairgrieve, Dusty.

Norm Bafus, LaCrosse, was the guest of Kim and Cindy Pitts for Easter dinner on Sunday.

Easter Sunday dinner guests at the home of Karen Broeckel included Oscar Broeckel, Brian and Angela Broeckel and Graham, Tom and Doreen Riedner, all of Dusty; Alex BeDell, Portland; Guenter and Brigitte Scherwinski, Mountain Home, Idaho; Jeanette Nolan, Colfax; Patty Wieber and Brett Wieber, Bobby and Jamie Halbig and Emma, Easton, Evie and Ezra, all of Spokane; and Ken and Pam Beasley and Zach Beasley, Waitsburg.


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