Serving Whitman County since 1877
Total precipitation for March at the Colfax NRCS was 4.28 inches compared to the 2.03 normal for the month. The March rainfall topped the monthly norm after the first two weeks of the month with a .53 reading for March 14 following a wet weekend. Double digit readings since that date included .19 for March 15, .19 for March 21, .86 for March 22, .89 for March 23 and .26 for Monday after last weekend.
The double douse of precipitation for March puts the total since Oct. 1 at 14.19 compared to an average of 13.41 for the last six months.
December also finished with an above-average precipitation with a 3.98 total compared to a December norm of 2.71.
The Tuesday reading at NRCS was logged as snow. That 4.28 total for the month anticipated a zero reading for March 31 which was part of a multi-day prediction of clear weather.
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