Serving Whitman County since 1877

Quilt Show Saturday, Sunday

The 36th annual Palouse Patchers' Quilt Show is slated for the Latah County Fairgrounds this weekend with a 10 a.m. start time both days, and a 5 p.m. end time Saturday and 4 p.m. end time Sunday.

The show, named the “Color Dance,” will feature more than 200 locally-made quilts which were produced as a result of three quilting challenges, said Nancy Mack, who is in charge of public relations for the event.

Mack said the challenges included a crayon challenge, in which participants drew three crayons from a box and were required to produce a quilt with those colors; the Freitag Challenge, which is in honor of Janet Freitag, a Palouse Patcher who passed away due to cancer, and asks participants to design a quilt using a disappearing nine-patch pattern; and the dance challenge, in which participants create a quilt that has reference to a dance, something that makes people dance or colors that dance.

“Beyond that, people just make quilts all the time,” Mack said, noting quilts not part of challenges will also be on display.

Quilts will be raffled off at the show with raffle tickets being available for $1 per ticket. The raffle will be conducted on Sunday, and winners do not have to be present to win.

Mack said about 500 people from across the region come to the show each year.

“It's sort of more of a regional event that is respected and well-attended,” she said.

The show is at the Latah County Fairgrounds, and parking is available for free. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for kids younger than 10 and senior citizens.


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