Serving Whitman County since 1877
Taken away
I am writing this letter because I can, thank God, still share my opinion as an American citizen. This past year I have been feeling like many of my freedoms are being taken away without my opinion being considered. For example, last year the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) changed my teaching certification without notifying me or the district I teach in. When my administrator called OSPI to ask why they would do that to hundreds of teachers throughout the state without notification the answer was “because we can”.
The next item being forced upon my life without my opinion was allowing anyone to use any bathroom they want to, whether or not I want my privacy. Hopefully, enough people sign the petition being gathered by before July 1 to at least allow the registered voters of our state to vote whether or not they want privacy in their bathrooms, dressings rooms and locker rooms.
The most recent issue being forced upon me also comes through OSPI: new gender identity and expression standards for students in grades k-high school. The Family Policy Institute of Washington released this information, stating that OSPI has no plans to notify parents of these controversial changes nor do they plan to issue a press release of these standards. People can go to the Family Policy Institute of Washington’s website and sign a petition if you oppose this curriculum change.
I can no longer teach in areas I was trained in, but I am being told to teach ideas that I do not believe are appropriate for educators to teach (some things should just be taught at home from parents!)
I can still write letters to editors of papers, I can still sign petitions, I can still vote, I can still contact my government representatives. I pray my grandchildren will still have these freedoms.
Leanne Bafus, LaCrosse
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