Serving Whitman County since 1877
Saturday, Lucky and Joan Myrick enjoyed a surprise visit from Joan’s cousin, Gary Grewell, Olympia, and his sons, Todd, Portland, Ore .; Darrin, Olympia, and Darrin’s son, Tanner. The Grewells were in the area visiting family, enjoying the culture of Eastern Washington and learning about the Brink homesteads. They also visited cousins Brock and Linda Hill in Viola, and Steve and Becky Brink and Marge Brink in Palouse.
Karen Broeckel joined family members at Eddy’s in Colfax for Sunday lunch and to see her great-nephew, Austin Beasley of Highland Village, Texas, who had been visiting his parents and brother, Ken and Pam Beasley and Zach, and friends in Waitsburg for the past week. Included in the group were Austin of Highland Village, Texas; Pam Beasley, Waitsburg; Jeanette Nolan, Greg, Gwen and Jason Nolan, Emily and Murphy Nolan, all of Colfax; Patty Wieber and Bobby and Jamie Halbig, Spokane; and Broeckel, Dusty. Later, dessert was enjoyed at the home of Greg and Gwen Nolan.
Overnight guest at the home of Karen Broeckel Monday, was her great-great-niece, Murphy Jeanette Nolan, five-month-old daughter of Andrew and Emily Nolan.
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