Serving Whitman County since 1877
-Heather Andersen photo
The former Crossroads Nursery site on the corner of the Pullman-Moscow Highway and Airport Road is being sought as a possible location for a marijuana retail shop. A conditional use hearing has been set for Oct. 6 at the Public Service Building in Colfax before the county Board of Adjustment.
An attempt by a group called Highland Central LLC earlier this year to establish a marijuana retail shop at the former Crossroads Nursery site on the Pullman-Moscow Highway fell through, and now another group, Premium Roast, is making a similar attempt for the same site.
Highland essentially backed out of its application which was submitted to the county April 25.
“That went away. It was typical business stuff,” said Alan Thomson, county planner. “They just decided not to go for it. I don't know for what reason.”
Premium Roast is now making an attempt to establish a retail marijuana shop at the same location. That proposal has advanced further than the first one.
“We actually didn't get as far as the conditional use hearing,” said Thomson.
The first group got as far as an environmental assessment, which determined there to be no significant environmental impact in regard to the proposal. Thomson said another environmental review was conducted when the application from Premium Roast, LLC, was received Aug. 12.
“It was essentially the same, but I do write up a new one,” he said.
A conditional use hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 6, in the county's Public Service Building in Colfax. The hearing, slated for 7 p.m., will be before the Board of Adjustment in the first floor auditorium.
“The code requires users to go through a conditional use hearing because there could be issues that could affect landowners,” said Thomson, noting things such as traffic and noise for neighbors of the property.
After the conditional use hearing, which is open to the public, a 24-day time frame for appeal will be open once the meeting minutes from the hearing have been posted. Anyone who has standing could file an appeal with Whitman County Superior Court.
“To have standing, you have to show that you're going to be harmed by it,” explained Thomson.
If the conditional use hearing and the appeals process go forward without problems or issues being brought to light, Premium Roast will have the green light.
“They're set to go,” said Thomson, noting there are no planned changes for the property and the group would use the building already there. “They could start operating as soon as they get the clearing from the Liquor and Cannabis Board.”
The original code from the Liquor and Cannabis Board for Whitman County allowed one at large marijuana retailer in the county, but that has recently been upped to two. The first at large site was established on the Pullman-Moscow corridor at the former Wawawai Canyon Winery site. If the Crossroads Nursery site moves forward with the latest proposal, the county at large spots would be filled.
“At this moment in time, that would be it,” said Thomson.
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