Serving Whitman County since 1877

Deplorable degenerates

Throughout history, various members of the human race have robbed and cheated each other in a plethora of ways. Some have been romanticized and justified; Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Privateer as opposed to pirate. But mostly it has been one person or group of people taking something from another for gain and profit.

Regardless of the reason, some of the lowest of these thieves have been those who steal from churches and places of learning. Institutions dedicated to the enhancement of other people. Ransacking a church in the Middle Ages was done as a way to prove one god greater than another. It has always been to the disgust and horror of the locals to see their churches, libraries and schools robbed.

Modern times are no different. This past weekend a string of robberies occurred in our small towns, striking several churches, a school and library.

Who does that? What kind of person does something like that? Not for political or religious reasons, merely for quick personal gain.

None of the targeted places were well-to-do with money and means to spare; the Endicott library has been struggling to raise money for an AC unit. These are institutions humbly trying to better the people in their communities, despite a lack of resources. The people who would rob from these places did not steal from empty buildings, but from the soul of the community. Had they been truly in need, these very institutions would have been the ones to provide succor and raise them up.

People who would do this are degenerates. Anyone who would aide or withhold information about them is equally condemned. When they are caught, the judge shouldn’t just throw the book at them, but the entire library.

Jana Mathia,

Gazette staff


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