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Lamont seeking engineer firm to consult projects

The Town of Lamont is seeking an engineering firm for assistance on town projects. The town sent out its request last week.

“We haven't done this for a very long time,” said Ginny Rajala, Lamont's clerk/treasurer.

The town last year was visited by a Transportation Improvement Board (T.I.B) consultant who recommended chip sealing projects on roads and pointed out some water issues in the town, Rajala said. With projects likely coming up, the town council has decided it is time to hire professional help.

“As a council, we thought it'd be good to have expertise on hand,” said Rajala.

An engineering firm would be available to help with planning projects as well as preparing grants, she noted.

“It's all mostly just getting the expertise on board,” she continued. “We haven't really done it for a number of years.”

Rajala also noted the town will likely not undertake any projects this year, but will look toward planning projects.

The request for qualification statements said potential prospects for services include water and street maintenance, design and construction management, contract administration, on-call consulting, consulting regarding an unfinished building and grant applications.

Rajala said the unfinished building is the town's library. The request also states the town is seeking services for the 2017-19 calendar years.

Questions can be directed to the town, and responses are due no later than 5 p.m. March 10.

Questions and responses can be sent to The Town of Lamont, 302 Eighth Street, Lamont, 99017.


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