Serving Whitman County since 1877

Rosalia levy fails in early results

All but one of the Feb. 14 special levy proposals received approval after 820 ballots were counted Tuesday night. Colton, Rosalia and Lamont schools all had large funding measurers on the special levy ballot.

The results showed the Rosalia town levy proposal as the only one below the 60 percent passing threshold. That levy request for $69,000 at an estimated $3.35 per $1,000 in 2018 for street lights, seal coating, shoulder work and capital improvements received 73 yes (54 percent) and 63 no (46 percent) votes on election night.

Except for a 72 percent yes for a Tekoa parks proposal, all other measures finished with approval rates in the 60 percent range and will have to await the count of approximately 50 ballots for final verification.

Passing were the Rosalia School District and Rosalia Park and Recreation levy. The district levy was passing at 61 percent, while the park and recreation levy was passing at 62 percent. The district levy is for funding security and infrastructure improvements and is for collection in 2018-20. The park district levy is for operation and maintenance of the pool and park.

The Lamont School District vote had 63 percent in favor of its two-year $170,000 maintenance and operation levy, and the Colton School District saw nearly 70 percent of voters saying yes to its $532,165 one-year maintenance and operation levy.

The Tekoa Park and Recreation District levy, in the amount of $75,000 for collection in 2018, passed at 72 percent.


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