Serving Whitman County since 1877
The Homestead Team, consisting of Tom and Doreen Riedner, Greg and Gwen Nolan, Brian and Debbie Largent, Ron and Jody Conrad, Steve Camp and Gary Largent, left last Thursday morning for the “Feed the Need” event at Ambrose School in Meridian, Idaho.
Despite the closed roads, freezing rain and four flat trailer tires, they arrived more than 10 hours later on Thursday night. Friday, the school packaged 10,000 bags (60,000 meals) of split peas and mixed bean soups that Homestead donated to the Boise Rescue Mission.
Jason Billester, vice-president of development, was there to accept the donation. First Lady of Idaho, Mrs. Butch Otter, also attended the event.
While in Meridian, they were visited by Brent Conrad, son of Ron and Jody Conrad, and Katie Largent, daughter of Gary and Lisa Largent, and her friend Jessica. Everyone returned home Saturday, safe and sound.
Dick and Helen Appel attended the American Sheep Industry meetings in Denver during the last week in January. Helen is president of the state auxiliary, and Dick serves on the Natural Resource Committee.
Last week Monday, Art Sager broke his right elbow while feeding his cattle. Trying to free a bale of hay frozen from the top of a hay stack, he fell backward into a hole in the middle of the stack, landing at the bottom on his elbow. He had his cell phone with him and was able to call for help. He spent one night in the hospital and will be recuperating for about six weeks. He fully appreciates neighbors who are helping with his farm chores.
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