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Pullman Airport receives three bids for next phase of runway project

The Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport has received three bids for the next phase of the runway reconstruction project, Tony Bean, airport administrator, reported last week.

Bids have been received from MA DeAtley Construction out of Clarkston, Selland Construction, Inc. out of Wenatchee and Nelcon, Inc. out of Kalispell, Mont. MA DeAtley completed the first phase of the project last year, and though the company is not guaranteed the bid the second time around, Bean said that as of right now they are the “apparent low bidder.”

Bean detailed that checks are being completed to make sure that bid packages have all four bid schedules included in the bid specifications. The first schedule includes excavation, installation of primary and supplemental windcones, construction of the utility corridor and runway and taxiway crack sealing. The second schedule includes excavation and storm drain improvements, while the third schedule includes installation of an underdrain and P-154 sub base and P-209 crushed aggregate base course, as well as continued construction of the utility corridor and construction of a new electrical building. Schedule four matches the second schedule with excavation and storm drain improvements.

Bean did not disclose the bid figures, but he said he expects the bid will be awarded at the next Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Board meeting April 26.

During the winter shutdown of the project, the airport has been working on land acquisition to be able to continue the reconstruction. Most recently, a commercial building on the east end of the airport was sold by Brian Augdahl and Carl Schmokel for the purpose of the project for $1,172,000. The building had been used for commercial operations include cider packing and marijuana processing.

Left to be acquired as a Department of Transportation right-of-way parcel and WSU property at the west end of the airport. Those are the last two properties needed for the project, Bean said.

As for the next phase, Bean said he hopes it can get underway as soon as possible.

“As soon as funding shows up and the weather's good,” he said.


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