Serving Whitman County since 1877

2017 county budget reported to be on track

County Administrator Gary Petrovich recently presented the county’s second quarter budget report to the Board of County Commissioners, telling them the county is currently on track to stay within the budget.

“We’re doing pretty well,” said Petrovich.

Petrovich presented the budget with personnel and operations expenses for each department. The budget this year was broken down for each department with these categories to keep them separate items. He reported that most departments had spent 50 percent or less of their yearly budgets through June 30, the end of the second quarter.

One budget item, Superior Court, is above that mark at 50 percent, though Petrovich noted the department was able to receive a budget amendment to account for unexpected expenses due to training and traveling for new Superior Court Judge Gary Libey.

Most of the departments used up approximately 45-49 percent of their budgets in the first half. Petrovich did caution that this is a trend typical of the first two quarters, but added that he is optimistic.

“It’s typical that the first half is ahead and the second half is a little behind,” he said.

The second quarter report also allowed for departments to know where they stand as they are planning their 2018 budgets, said Petrovich. The call for budgets for the next year was sent out by the county auditor’s office recently, and those preliminary budgets are due Aug. 14.

“This report is acting as a springboard because we’ve put out a call for budgets,” said Petrovich. “I’m encouraging the departments to enter their budgets sooner rather than later.”

The total county budget, which includes the first budget amendment of the year passed in June, stands at $15.6 million. Petrovich noted in the second quarter report that the revenues to date are ahead of projections.

“The revenues year-to-date are about $7.6 million, and the actual expenditures are about $6.9 million,” he said. “This a positive effect for cash to the tune of $646,000.”

Petrovich also praised the departments for keeping within their budgets.

“Everyone’s doing a good job with tracking their numbers,” he said. “I’ll be meeting with the departments informally over the next couple of weeks to offer help for the budgets if needed.”

He added that the commissioners were pleased with the budget report.

“This gives them a bigger picture to let them know where we are,” said Petrovich. “They’re always looking for information and training data.”


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