Serving Whitman County since 1877
The Colfax class of ‘57 gathered for its 60-year reunion Sept. 12 at the Colfax Catholic Parish hall.
David Appel chaired the event with the help of other local class members.
The dinner menu was roasted New York loin with roasted potatoes from Appel’s garden.
Local members of the class brought salads and pie.
Twenty-three class members attended with 16 spouses and friends.
In front, from the left, are Dave Appel, DeWayne Gass, Russell (Butch) Anderson, all Colfax; Annette Vandeveer Sartore, Renton; Nancy Pierson, San Jose, Calif .; Joyce McCully Colvin, Colfax, and Judy Streib Gylling, Walla Walla.
In the middle row are Willard Lowe, Endicott; Peter (Bub) McIntyre, Lakewood; Fern Long Enos, Colfax; Dave Rouse, Pasco; Kris Felber Largent, Worley; and Jon Warra, Clovis, Calif.
In the back row, from the left, are Durand Cox, Hay; Gary Roberts, Bellevue; Ed Schultz, Colfax; Carl Harder, Spokane; Joanne Barbee Sarver, Colfax; Carol Repp Schmick, Yakima; Janet Mensch Weitz, Green Valley, Ariz .; Roger Brindle, Kalama, and Ed Gail Henning, Spokane.
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