Serving Whitman County since 1877

Police investigate stabbing at Garfield

At 10:03 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28, officer Joe Merry of the Garfield-Palouse Police Department responded to a call on the 200 block of Wesley Street in Garfield.

Police Chief Jerry Neumann reported that Michael Bridge, 35, of Garfield, the estranged husband of Randi Keene, 33, came out of his house as Keene and Brandon Bevens, 38, of Pullman pulled up for a planned custody drop-off of a child.

Bridge allegedly choked Bevens, and Bevens responded by stabbing Bridge with a knife. Bridge was later treated for a shallow puncture wound to the abdomen and a cut on one finger.

Charges are pending against Bridge.

Chief Neumann expects Bevens will not be charged, because police believe he acted in self-defense.


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