Serving Whitman County since 1877

Ag forum at The Center will feature local speakers

A panel of local experts will discuss changes in farm business at the Inland Northwest Ag Forum next Thursday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at The Center at Colfax Library. This free event is open to farmers, those in the farm industry and local residents who want to learn more about our economy and way of life.

Topics will center upon the rapidly changing business of farming with panelists exploring the evolution and future of farm equipment, impacts and changes to crop protection and fertilizer industries, grain storage and product marketing both domestically and worldwide. There will be time for questions and panelists will remain afterward for further discussion.

Presenters and panelists will include Keith Becker and Jay Rubin from Pacific Northwest Farmers’ Cooperative; Dennis Solbrack of Papé Machinery; Fred Morscheck from the McGregor Company, and Randy Suess, former chair of the US Wheat Associates.

Besides the forum, participants can browse the photo exhibit by Dennis Witmer titled The Grain Elevators of Whitman County. Witmer will be on hand to answer questions and images will be for sale during the event with a portion of the proceeds benefiting The Center.

For more information about The Inland Northwest Ag Forum, contact Kristie Kirkpatrick, Whitman County Library Director, at 509-397-4366.


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