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Colfax board fields issues

Colfax school board met Monday night and fielded a variety of subjects. After setting a two-year maintenance and operations levy and $18.9 million bond for vote in February, the board was introduced to new policies to consider and took in an ASB report.

Policies set for updating by the board included one on religious activities and practices.

“A teacher can absolutely talk about religion, you just can't favor one over another, and can't disparage any religion,” said Superintendent Jerry Pugh.

Student representative Kylie Kackman gave the ASB report, telling the board that National Honor Society is finishing their calendar sales, the junior class is preparing to sell wreaths during the Christmas season and FFA soils state competition will be Wednesday, Nov. 1.

FCCLA gathered 2,000 items in their food drive, delivering eight backpacks of food to Jennings Elementary students. Konnor's Color Run, in honor of the late Jennings Elementary student Konnor Sterling, will be Nov. 18 with live music, glow sticks and t-shirts for each participant.

Knowledge Bowl held their first meeting Oct. 16, and the ASB is working on disability month, the yearbook is gathering sponsors and Mrs. Aune advised on banners being made for retiring volleyball coach Sue Doering's final home game.


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