Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Park play equipment installed

Installation of a new piece of play equipment has now been completed at Good Park in south Colfax. The small slide and climbing toy was installed in the park last August, but it couldn't be put to use because it was discovered that one of the parts was missing, according to Parks Superintendent Steve Larkin. The count of pieces in the shipment was correct, but the city discovered the supplier had shipped two of the same piece and failed to include another piece. The missing part was a platform.

The partially assembled toy was surrounded by plastic fencing until the city was able to obtain the missing part. The play installation is for youngsters in the age range of two to five years. It was originally ordered with the play equipment which was installed at Stan McClintock Lookout Park at the top of the Thorn Street hill.

Members of Catalyst Church did assembly work on the installation at Good Park. Cedar chips have also been distributed around the base of the toy.

Larkin also credited Bud Catron with assisting with mowing Firemen's Park, which is located in the same area of south Colfax. Members of the Bahá'í youth group have also helped maintain that park, and the Colfax Late Bloomers planted flowers there as well as at the Codger Pole park.

Good Park is located on Poplar Street along the north side of the flood control channel for Spring Flat Creek which runs along Highway 195.


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